Logfile of the micrometeorite database on https://www.micrometeorites.org/database 2021-05-29: [initial setup] 315 new datasets of urban micrometeorites added (THMM312-THMM551, THMM558-THMM632), among them 48 with data of sections. 2021-08-21: Text note about relict minerals added in the description for THMM382, THMM387, THMM406, THMM450, THMM453, THMM460, THMM465, THMM536, THMM542. 2021-08-21: Database filter category "Surface properties" renamed into "Other surface properties". 2021-08-21: 133 new datasets of urban micrometeorites added (THMM191-THMM311, THMM633-THMM644), among them 17 with data of sections. 2022-06-27: 14 new datasets of large urban micrometeorites added (THMM645-THMM647, THMM668, THMM701, THMM704 THMM705, THMM806, THMM813-THMM815, THMM817, THMM822, THMM910).